Tuesday, January 27, 2015

kerja kosong pensyarah singkat harian kolej komuniti

Kepada yang berminat untuk menjadi pensyarah sambilan..boleh ke laman web kolej komuniti yang berhampiran untuk melihat adakah ditawarkan pensyarah singkat harian.jangka masa 3 bulan dan boleh disambung lagi 3 bulan jika prestasi adalah baik...cubalah..agar pengalaman ini menyediakan anda platform ke seterusnya.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

apa itu Mystery shopper

4. Mystery Shopper 

Best for detectives-in-training who love reviewing things.
What you do:
As a mystery shopper, you are paid to pretend to be a customer and to secretly evaluate the quality of customer service/products or services of different industries.
What you can earn:
Where you should go:
ILoveMysteryShopping.com – http://www.ilovemysteryshopping.com/
Cardas Research & Consulting Sdn. Bhd. - http://www.crcg.com.my/
Neway Karaoke Box Malaysia – http://www.newaykb.com.my/
Watson’s Malaysia – http://www.gprs.com.my/
Popular Malaysia –  http://www.popular.com.my/mystery-shopper.php
Why we love this:
We get to go undercover!

7 Ways To Earn Money Without Having An Actual Job

you’ve probably heard the news. In December 2014 the Ringgit was at an all-time low, the 6% GST (Goods and Service Tax) is hitting us this April 2015, and following suit the prices of movie and concert tickets will get pretty EXPENSIVE.
The start of 2015 is looking like a financial downer but if you’re like me, you’re probably tired of hearing another advice from your well meaning relatives telling you to save a few ringgit by cutting back on your favourite Starbuck lattes or mamak sessions.
Really, does saving a few ringgit really going to change your life?
“There’s a limit to how much you can save, but there’s no limit to how much you can earn.”
- Ramit Sethi, New York Times Bestselling Author
What if we told you that you can earn good money without having an actual job?
YES! We are not joking!
You don’t need to cut down on your “yum cha” sessions or trips to Starbucks.
All you need to do is one of these awesome not-jobs! (These are also great as please go to

Thursday, January 15, 2015

jika rasa tak cukup duit

apa perlu anda buat...

sesungguhnya Allah jugalah yang memberi kelapangan dan ketenangan. Dalam mencari ketenangan cukup duit..cubalah sedekah walaupun seringgit. Insyaallah terasa pelik walaupun duit dalam tangan taklah banyak tetapi rasa tak cukup tu tiada..malah apa yang ada dlm tangan itulah yang secukupnya dan kadangkala terlebih pula dengan nilai yg sama. Amalan yang paling senang belanja makan saudara-saudara kita.Jangan pula dilihat org ni mampu jadi tak perlu belanja dia makan.Anggapkan sedekah....
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